
Ethers.js JavaScript Library


The Ethers.js library provides a set of tools to interact with Ethereum Nodes with JavaScript, similar to Web3.js. Phron has an Ethereum-like API available that is fully compatible with Ethereum-style JSON-RPC invocations. Therefore, developers can leverage this compatibility and use the Ethers.js library to interact with a Phron node as if they were doing so on Ethereum. For more information on Ethers.js, check their documentation site.

In this guide, you'll learn how to use the Ethers.js library to send a transaction and deploy a contract on Phron.

Checking Prerequisites

For the examples in this guide, you will need to have the following:

  • An account with funds. You can get DEV tokens for testing on Phron once every 24 hours from the Phron Faucet

  • To test out the examples in this guide on Phron, you will need to have your own endpoint and API key, which you can get from one of the supported Endpoint Providers


The examples in this guide assume you have a MacOS or Ubuntu 22.04-based environment and will need to be adapted accordingly for Windows.

Installing Ethers.js

To get started, you'll need to start a basic JavaScript project. First, create a directory to store all of the files you'll be creating throughout this guide and initialize the project with the following command:

mkdir ethers-examples && cd ethers-examples && npm init --y

For this guide, you'll need to install the Ethers.js library and the Solidity compiler. To install both NPM packages, you can run the following command:

npm install ethers solc@0.8.0

Setting up the Ethers Provider

Throughout this guide, you'll be creating a bunch of scripts that provide different functionality such as sending a transaction, deploying a contract, and interacting with a deployed contract. In most of these scripts you'll need to create an Ethers provider to interact with the network.

To configure your project for Phron, you will need to have your own endpoint and API key, which you can get from one of the supported Endpoint Providers.

To create a provider, you can take the following steps:

  1. Import the ethers library

  2. Define the providerRPC object, which can include the network configurations for any of the networks you want to send a transaction on. You'll include the name, rpc, and chainId for each network

  3. Create the provider using the ethers.JsonRpcProvider method

// 1. Import ethers
const ethers = require('ethers');

// 2. Define network configurations
const providerRPC = {
  phron: {
    name: 'phron',
    rpc: 'INSERT_RPC_API_ENDPOINT', // Insert your RPC URL here
    chainId: 7744, // 0x504 in hex,
// 3. Create ethers provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.phron.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.phron.chainId,

Save this code snippet as you'll need it for the scripts that are used in the following sections.

Send a Transaction

During this section, you'll be creating a couple of scripts. The first one will be to check the balances of your accounts before trying to send a transaction. The second script will actually send the transaction.

You can also use the balance script to check the account balances after the transaction has been sent.

Check Balances Script

You'll only need one file to check the balances of both addresses before and after the transaction is sent. To get started, you can create a balances.js file by running:

touch balances.js

Next, you will create the script for this file and complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the Ethers provider

  2. Define the addressFrom and addressTo variables

  3. Create the asynchronous balances function which wraps the provider.getBalance method

  4. Use the provider.getBalance function to fetch the balances for the addressFrom and addressTo addresses. You can also leverage the ethers.formatEther function to transform the balance into a more readable number in ETH

  5. Lastly, run the balances function

// 1. Add the Ethers provider logic here:
// {...}

// 2. Create address variables
const addressFrom = 'INSERT_FROM_ADDRESS';
const addressTo = 'INSERT_TO_ADDRESS';

// 3. Create balances function
const balances = async () => {
  // 4. Fetch balances
  const balanceFrom = ethers.formatEther(await provider.getBalance(addressFrom));
  const balanceTo = ethers.formatEther(await provider.getBalance(addressTo));

  console.log(`The balance of ${addressFrom} is: ${balanceFrom} DEV`);
  console.log(`The balance of ${addressTo} is: ${balanceTo} DEV`);

// 5. Call the balances function
View the complete script
// Import ethers
const ethers = require('ethers');

// Define network configurations
const providerRPC = {
  development: {
    name: 'phron-development',
    rpc: 'http://localhost:9944',
    chainId: 7744,
  phron: {
    name: 'phron',
    rpc: '',
    chainId: 7744,

// Create ethers provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.phron.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.phron.chainId,
}); // Change to correct network

// Define addresses
const addressFrom = 'INSERT_FROM_ADDRESS';
const addressTo = 'INSERT_TO_ADDRESS';

// Create balances function
const balances = async () => {
  // Fetch balances
  const balanceFrom = ethers.formatEther(
    await provider.getBalance(addressFrom)
  const balanceTo = ethers.formatEther(await provider.getBalance(addressTo));

  console.log(`The balance of ${addressFrom} is: ${balanceFrom} DEV`);
  console.log(`The balance of ${addressTo} is: ${balanceTo} DEV`);

// Call the balances function

To run the script and fetch the account balances, you can run the following command:

node balances.js

If successful, the balances for the origin and receiving address will be displayed in your terminal in DEV.

Send Transaction Script

You'll only need one file for executing a transaction between accounts. For this example, you'll be transferring 1 DEV token from an origin address (from which you hold the private key) to another address. To get started, you can create a transaction.js file by running:

touch transaction.js

Next, you will create the script for this file and complete the following steps:

  1. Set up the Ethers provider

  2. Define the privateKey and the addressTo variables. The private key is required to create a wallet instance. Note: This is for example purposes only. Never store your private keys in a JavaScript file

  3. Create a wallet using the privateKey and provider from the previous steps. The wallet instance is used to sign transactions

  4. Create the asynchronous send function which wraps the transaction object and the wallet.sendTransaction method

  5. Create the transaction object which only requires the recipient's address and the amount to send. Note that ethers.parseEther can be used, which handles the necessary unit conversions from Ether to Wei - similar to using ethers.parseUnits(value, 'ether')

  6. Send the transaction using the wallet.sendTransaction method and then use await to wait until the transaction is processed and the transaction receipt is returned

  7. Lastly, run the send function

// 1. Add the Ethers provider logic here:
// {...}

// 2. Create account variables
const accountFrom = {
const addressTo = 'INSERT_TO_ADDRESS';

// 3. Create wallet
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// 4. Create send function
const send = async () => {
  console.log(`Attempting to send transaction from ${wallet.address} to ${addressTo}`);

  // 5. Create tx object
  const tx = {
    to: addressTo,
    value: ethers.parseEther('1'),

  // 6. Sign and send tx - wait for receipt
  const createReceipt = await wallet.sendTransaction(tx);
  await createReceipt.wait();
  console.log(`Transaction successful with hash: ${createReceipt.hash}`);

// 7. Call the send function
View the complete script
// Import ethers
const ethers = require('ethers');

// Define network configurations
const providerRPC = {
  development: {
    name: 'phron-development',
    rpc: 'http://localhost:9944',
    chainId: 7744,
  phronbase: {
    name: 'phron',
    rpc: '',
    chainId: 7744,
// Create ethers provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.phron.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.phron.chainId,
}); // Change to correct network

// Define accounts and wallet
const accountFrom = {
const addressTo = 'INSERT_TO_ADDRESS';
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// Create send function
const send = async () => {
    `Attempting to send transaction from ${wallet.address} to ${addressTo}`

  // Create transaction
  const tx = {
    to: addressTo,
    value: ethers.parseEther('1'),

  // Send transaction and get hash
  const createReceipt = await wallet.sendTransaction(tx);
  await createReceipt.wait();
  console.log(`Transaction successful with hash: ${createReceipt.hash}`);

// Call the send function

To run the script, you can run the following command in your terminal:

node transaction.js

If the transaction was succesful, in your terminal you'll see the transaction hash has been printed out.

You can also use the balances.js script to check that the balances for the origin and receiving accounts have changed. The entire workflow would look like this:

node balances.jsThe balance of 0x3B939FeaD1557C741Ff06492FD0127bd287A421e is: 3604.673685275447543445 DEVThe balance of 0xFFA0352d300cdd8aCdA5c947D87CbCc3f0B3485A is: 0 DEVnode transaction.jsAttempting to send transaction from 0x3B939FeaD1557C741Ff06492FD0127bd287A421e to 0xFFA0352d300cdd8aCdA5c947D87CbCc3f0B3485ATransaction successful with hash: 0x01e42c627fe79b1d5649a64d39fceec34aba3904e37d768e74ec71fcd62b897fnode balances.jsThe balance of 0x3B939FeaD1557C741Ff06492FD0127bd287A421e is: 3603.673682650447543445 DEVThe balance of 0xFFA0352d300cdd8aCdA5c947D87CbCc3f0B3485A is: 1.0 DEV

Deploy a Contract

The contract you'll be compiling and deploying in the next couple of sections is a simple incrementer contract, arbitrarily named Incrementer.sol. You can get started by creating a file for the contract:

touch Incrementer.sol

Next, you can add the Solidity code to the file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Incrementer {
    uint256 public number;

    constructor(uint256 _initialNumber) {
        number = _initialNumber;

    function increment(uint256 _value) public {
        number = number + _value;

    function reset() public {
        number = 0;

The constructor function, which runs when the contract is deployed, sets the initial value of the number variable stored on-chain (the default is 0). The increment function adds the _value provided to the current number, but a transaction needs to be sent, which modifies the stored data. Lastly, the reset function resets the stored value to zero.


This contract is a simple example for illustration purposes only and does not handle values wrapping around.

Compile Contract Script

In this section, you'll create a script that uses the Solidity compiler to output the bytecode and interface (ABI) for the Incrementer.sol contract. To get started, you can create a compile.js file by running:

touch compile.js

Next, you will create the script for this file and complete the following steps:

  1. Import the fs and solc packages

  2. Using the fs.readFileSync function, you'll read and save the file contents of Incrementer.sol to source

  3. Build the input object for the Solidity compiler by specifying the language, sources, and settings to be used

  4. Using the input object, you can compile the contract using solc.compile

  5. Extract the compiled contract file and export it to be used in the deployment script

// 1. Import packages
const fs = require('fs');
const solc = require('solc');

// 2. Get path and load contract
const source = fs.readFileSync('Incrementer.sol', 'utf8');

// 3. Create input object
const input = {
   language: 'Solidity',
   sources: {
      'Incrementer.sol': {
         content: source,
   settings: {
      outputSelection: {
         '*': {
            '*': ['*'],
// 4. Compile the contract
const tempFile = JSON.parse(solc.compile(JSON.stringify(input)));
const contractFile = tempFile.contracts['Incrementer.sol']['Incrementer'];

// 5. Export contract data
module.exports = contractFile;

Deploy Contract Script

With the script for compiling the Incrementer.sol contract in place, you can then use the results to send a signed transaction that deploys it. To do so, you can create a file for the deployment script called deploy.js:

touch deploy.js

Next, you will create the script for this file and complete the following steps:

  1. Import the contract file from compile.js

  2. Set up the Ethers provider

  3. Define the privateKey for the origin account. The private key is required to create a wallet instance. Note: This is for example purposes only. Never store your private keys in a JavaScript file

  4. Create a wallet using the privateKey and provider from the previous steps. The wallet instance is used to sign transactions

  5. Load the contract bytecode and abi for the compiled contract

  6. Create a contract instance with signer using the ethers.ContractFactory function, providing the abi, bytecode, and wallet as parameters

  7. Create the asynchronous deploy function that will be used to deploy the contract

  8. Within the deploy function, use the incrementer contract instance to call deploy and pass in the initial value. For this example, you can set the initial value to 5. This will send the transaction for contract deployment. To wait for a transaction receipt you can use the deployed method of the contract deployment transaction

  9. Lastly, run the deploy function

// 1. Import the contract file
const contractFile = require('./compile');

// 2. Add the Ethers provider logic here:
// {...}

// 3. Create account variables
const accountFrom = {

// 4. Create wallet
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// 5. Load contract information
const bytecode = contractFile.evm.bytecode.object;
const abi = contractFile.abi;

// 6. Create contract instance with signer
const incrementer = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, wallet);

// 7. Create deploy function
const deploy = async () => {
  console.log(`Attempting to deploy from account: ${wallet.address}`);

  // 8. Send tx (initial value set to 5) and wait for receipt
  const contract = await incrementer.deploy(5);
  const txReceipt = await contract.deploymentTransaction().wait();

  console.log(`Contract deployed at address: ${txReceipt.contractAddress}`);

// 9. Call the deploy function
View the complete script
// Import ethers and compile
const ethers = require('ethers');
const contractFile = require('./compile');

// Define network configurations
const providerRPC = {
  development: {
    name: 'phron-development',
    rpc: 'http://localhost:9944',
    chainId: 7744,
  phronbase: {
    name: 'phron',
    rpc: '',
    chainId: 7744,

// Create ethers provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.phron.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.phron.chainId,
}); // Change to correct network

// Define accounts and wallet
const accountFrom = {
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// Load contract info
const bytecode = contractFile.evm.bytecode.object;
const abi = contractFile.abi;

// Create contract instance with signer
const incrementer = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, wallet);

// Create deploy function
const deploy = async () => {
  console.log(`Attempting to deploy from account: ${wallet.address}`);

  // Send tx (initial value set to 5) and wait for receipt
  const contract = await incrementer.deploy(5);
  const txReceipt = await contract.deploymentTransaction().wait();

  console.log(`Contract deployed at address: ${txReceipt.contractAddress}`);

// Call the deploy function

To run the script, you can enter the following command into your terminal:

node deploy.js

If successful, the contract's address will be displayed in the terminal.

node deploy.jsAttempting to deploy from account: 0x3B939FeaD1557C741Ff06492FD0127bd287A421eContract deployed at address: 0x2B9c71fc2730B7353Dd3865ae26881Fa38FE598A

Read Contract Data (Call Methods)

Call methods are the type of interaction that don't modify the contract's storage (change variables), meaning no transaction needs to be sent. They simply read various storage variables of the deployed contract.

To get started, you can create a file and name it get.js:

touch get.js

Then you can take the following steps to create the script:

  1. Import the abi from the compile.js file

  2. Set up the Ethers provider

  3. Create the contractAddress variable using the address of the deployed contract

  4. Create an instance of the contract using the ethers.Contract function and passing in the contractAddress, abi, and provider

  5. Create the asynchronous get function

  6. Use the contract instance to call one of the contract's methods and pass in any inputs if necessary. For this example, you will call the number method which doesn't require any inputs. You can use await which will return the value requested once the request promise resolves

  7. Lastly, call the get function

// 1. Import the ABI
const { abi } = require('./compile');

// 2. Add the Ethers provider logic here:
// {...}

// 3. Contract address variable
const contractAddress = 'INSERT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';

// 4. Create contract instance
const incrementer = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, provider);

// 5. Create get function
const get = async () => {
  console.log(`Making a call to contract at address: ${contractAddress}`);

  // 6. Call contract 
  const data = await incrementer.number();

  console.log(`The current number stored is: ${data}`);

// 7. Call get function
View the complete script
// Import ethers and compile
const ethers = require('ethers');
const { abi } = require('./compile');

// Define network configurations
const providerRPC = {
  development: {
    name: 'phron-development',
    rpc: 'http://localhost:9944',
    chainId: 7744,
  phronbase: {
    name: 'phron',
    rpc: '',
    chainId: 7744,

const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.phron.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.phron.chainId,
}); // Change to correct network

// Contract address variable
const contractAddress = 'INSERT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';

// Create contract instance
const incrementer = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, provider);

// Create get function
const get = async () => {
  console.log(`Making a call to contract at address: ${contractAddress}`);

  // Call contract
  const data = await incrementer.number();

  console.log(`The current number stored is: ${data}`);

// Call get function

To run the script, you can enter the following command in your terminal:

node get.js

If successful, the value will be displayed in the terminal.

Interact with Contract (Send Methods)

Send methods are the type of interaction that modify the contract's storage (change variables), meaning a transaction needs to be signed and sent. In this section, you'll create two scripts: one to increment and one to reset the incrementer. To get started, you can create a file for each script and name them increment.js and reset.js:

touch increment.js reset.js

Open the increment.js file and take the following steps to create the script:

  1. Import the abi from the compile.js file

  2. Set up the Ethers provider

  3. Define the privateKey for the origin account, the contractAddress of the deployed contract, and the _value to increment by. The private key is required to create a wallet instance. Note: This is for example purposes only. Never store your private keys in a JavaScript file

  4. Create a wallet using the privateKey and provider from the previous steps. The wallet instance is used to sign transactions

  5. Create an instance of the contract using the ethers.Contract function and passing in the contractAddress, abi, and provider

  6. Create the asynchronous increment function

  7. Use the contract instance to call one of the contract's methods and pass in any inputs if necessary. For this example, you will call the increment method which requires the value to increment by as an input. You can use await which will return the value requested once the request promise resolves

  8. Lastly, call the increment function

// 1. Import the contract ABI
const { abi } = require('./compile');

// 2. Add the Ethers provider logic here:
// {...}

// 3. Create variables
const accountFrom = {
const contractAddress = 'INSERT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';
const _value = 3;

// 4. Create wallet
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// 5. Create contract instance with signer
const incrementer = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet);

// 6. Create increment function
const increment = async () => {
    `Calling the increment by ${_value} function in contract at address: ${contractAddress}`

  // 7. Sign and send tx and wait for receipt
  const createReceipt = await incrementer.increment(_value);
  await createReceipt.wait();

  console.log(`Tx successful with hash: ${createReceipt.hash}`);

// 8. Call the increment function
View the complete script
// Import ethers and compile
const ethers = require('ethers');
const { abi } = require('./compile');

// Define network configurations
const providerRPC = {
  development: {
    name: 'phron-development',
    rpc: 'http://localhost:9944',
    chainId: 7744,
  phronbase: {
    name: 'phron',
    rpc: '',
    chainId: 7744,

// Create ethers provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.phron.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.phron.chainId,
}); // Change to correct network

// Create variables
const accountFrom = {
const contractAddress = 'INSERT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';
const _value = 3;

// Create wallet
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// Create contract instance with signer
const incrementer = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet);

// Create reset function
const increment = async () => {
    `Calling the increment by ${_value} function in contract at address: ${contractAddress}`

  // Sign and send tx and wait for receipt
  const createReceipt = await incrementer.increment(_value);
  await createReceipt.wait();

  console.log(`Tx successful with hash: ${createReceipt.hash}`);

// Call the reset function

To run the script, you can enter the following command in your terminal:

node increment.js

If successful, the transaction hash will be displayed in the terminal. You can use the get.js script alongside the increment.js script to make sure that value is changing as expected:

node get.jsMaking a call to contract at address: 0x2B9c71fc2730B7353Dd3865ae26881Fa38FE598AThe current number stored is: 5node increment.jsCalling the increment by 3 function in contract at address: 0x2B9c71fc2730B7353Dd3865ae26881Fa38FE598ATx successful with hash: 0xc7fe935db03cfacf56c5649cd79a566d1a7b68417f904f0095a1b1c203875bf2node get.jsMaking a call to contract at address: 0x2B9c71fc2730B7353Dd3865ae26881Fa38FE598AThe current number stored is: 8

Next you can open the reset.js file and take the following steps to create the script:

  1. Import the abi from the compile.js file

  2. Set up the Ethers provider

  3. Define the privateKey for the origin account and the contractAddress of the deployed contract. The private key is required to create a wallet instance. Note: This is for example purposes only. Never store your private keys in a JavaScript file

  4. Create a wallet using the privateKey and provider from the previous steps. The wallet instance is used to sign transactions

  5. Create an instance of the contract using the ethers.Contract function and passing in the contractAddress, abi, and provider

  6. Create the asynchronous reset function

  7. Use the contract instance to call one of the contract's methods and pass in any inputs if necessary. For this example, you will call the reset method which doesn't require any inputs. You can use await which will return the value requested once the request promise resolves

  8. Lastly, call the reset function

// 1. Import the contract ABI
const { abi } = require('./compile');

// 2. Add the Ethers provider logic here:
// {...}

// 3. Create variables
const accountFrom = {
const contractAddress = 'INSERT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';

// 4. Create wallet
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// 5. Create contract instance with signer
const incrementer = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet);

// 6. Create reset function
const reset = async () => {
    `Calling the reset function in contract at address: ${contractAddress}`

  // 7. sign and send tx and wait for receipt
  const createReceipt = await incrementer.reset();
  await createReceipt.wait();

  console.log(`Tx successful with hash: ${createReceipt.hash}`);

// 8. Call the reset function
View the complete script
// Import ethers and compile
const ethers = require('ethers');
const { abi } = require('./compile');

// Define network configurations
const providerRPC = {
  development: {
    name: 'phron-development',
    rpc: 'http://localhost:9944',
    chainId: 7744,
  phron: {
    name: 'phron',
    rpc: '',
    chainId: 7744,

// Create ethers provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.phron.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.phron.chainId,
}); // Change to correct network

// Create variables
const accountFrom = {
const contractAddress = 'INSERT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';

// Create wallet
let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(accountFrom.privateKey, provider);

// Create contract instance with signer
const incrementer = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet);

// Create reset function
const reset = async () => {
    `Calling the reset function in contract at address: ${contractAddress}`

  // Sign and send tx and wait for receipt
  const createReceipt = await incrementer.reset();
  await createReceipt.wait();

  console.log(`Tx successful with hash: ${createReceipt.hash}`);

// Call the reset function

To run the script, you can enter the following command in your terminal:

node reset.js

If successful, the transaction hash will be displayed in the terminal. You can use the get.js script alongside the reset.js script to make sure that value is changing as expected:

node get.jsMaking a call to contract at address: 0x2B9c71fc2730B7353Dd3865ae26881Fa38FE598AThe current number stored is: 8node reset.jsCalling the reset function in contract at address: 0x2B9c71fc2730B7353Dd3865ae26881Fa38FE598ATx successful with hash: 0xc452d21d8c2be6b81aadab7414103d68149c94a6399149ab8b79a58f0a3b5db7node get.jsMaking a call to contract at address: 0x2B9c71fc2730B7353Dd3865ae26881Fa38FE598AThe current number stored is: 0

This tutorial is for educational purposes only. As such, any contracts or code created in this tutorial should not be used in production.The information presented herein has been provided by third parties and is made available solely for general information purposes. Phron does not endorse any project listed and described on the Phron Doc Website ( Phron does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Phron disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on this information by you or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents. All statements and/or opinions expressed in these materials are solely the responsibility of the person or entity providing those materials and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Phron. The information should not be construed as professional or financial advice of any kind. Advice from a suitably qualified professional should always be sought in relation to any particular matter or circumstance. The information herein may link to or integrate with other websites operated or content provided by third parties, and such other websites may link to this website. Phron has no control over any such other websites or their content and will have no liability arising out of or related to such websites or their content. The existence of any such link does not constitute an endorsement of such websites, the content of the websites, or the operators of the websites. These links are being provided to you only as a convenience and you release and hold Phron harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of this information or the information provided by any third-party website or service.

Last updated