Becoming a Validator on the PHRON Network
To become a validator on the PHRON network, you must bond a minimum of 10,000 PHRON and meet the specified hardware requirements. For detailed information on validating, please refer to our comprehensive documentation. Validators play a critical role in the network by running nodes that verify the accuracy of transactions on PHRON. They are integral to the decentralized governance of the chain and are supported by nominators who delegate their stakes to validators they trust. Rewards assigned to a validator are shared proportionally between the validator and their nominators based on their respective stakes. In the event of malicious behavior, both the validator's and nominators' staked coins are subject to slashing.
Monitoring Your Validator
To stay informed about your validator’s performance, including notifications for when your validator stops producing blocks, you can subscribe to the PHRON Alerts via Telegram. For more information, please visit our dedicated page.
Transitioning from Nomination to Validation
If you are starting as a validator and wish to include PHRON currently nominated to another validator, you may not need to unbond and wait for the unbonding period to conclude. Below are various scenarios you might encounter, along with steps to minimize the amount of PHRON that needs to be unbonded (using standard web wallets on Testnet or Mainnet):
Case 1: Nomination of X ≥ 8,667 PHRON from a Single Account (acc_1) to Use Entire Amount as Validator Stake
Solution: This is the simplest scenario. Select your account and click "Stop" to cease nomination. Then follow the standard procedure to generate and set your session keys. Afterward, click "Validate." The changes will take effect at the start of the next era, with no unbonding required.
Case 2: Nomination of X ≥ 8,667 PHRON from a Single Account (acc_1) to Use a Smaller Amount Y < X as Validator Stake
Solution: Select your account and click "Stop" to stop nominating. Then click "Unbond funds" to adjust your total bond to Y. Follow the standard steps to generate and set your session keys, and then click "Validate." The changes will take effect with the start of the next era. You will unbond X - Y PHRON, which will be available after the unbonding period.
Case 3: Nomination of X < 8,667 PHRON from a Single Account (acc_1) and Desire to Add Stake to Reach Y ≥ 8,667 and Become a Validator
Solution: Select your account and click "Stop" to cease nomination. Then click "Bond more funds" to increase your total bond to Y. Follow the standard steps to generate and set your session keys, then click "Validate." The changes will take effect at the start of the next era.
Case 4: Nomination of a Total of X ≥ 8,667 PHRON from Multiple Accounts and Desire to Become a Validator
Solution: In this case, you will need to unbond from all but one account and wait for the unbonding period to conclude. It is advisable to retain the account with the largest amount bonded. Once the unbonding period for the remaining accounts is complete, consolidate your funds into that account and proceed according to Case 3.
This streamlined process ensures that you can efficiently transition from being a nominator to a validator, maximizing your participation in the PHRON network while minimizing the amount of PHRON that needs to be unbonded.
Last updated