Appendix A Simulation Code Example

The following is the code written in Python to generate the simulations used in the document above.

Simulated Transactions Per Second (TPS) Over 24 Hours

import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

base_tps_phronzero = 100000
base_tps_phronlayer1 = 50000

time_hours = np. arange (0, 24, 1)
network_load_factor_phronzero = 0.5 * np. sin (np .pi * time_hours / 12 - np.pi /2) + 1
network_load_factor_phronlayer1 = 0.5 * np.sin(np .pi * time_hours / 12 - np .pi /2) + 1.5

effective_tps_phronzero = base_tps_phronzero * network_load_factor_phronzero
effective_tps_phronlayer1 = base_tps_phronlayer1 * network_load_factor_phronlayer1

plt.figure ( figsize =(14 , 7))

plt.plot ( time_hours , effective_tps_phronzero , label ='PhronZero TPS', marker ='o')
plt.plot ( time_hours , effective_tps_phronlayer1 , label ='Phron Layer 1 TPS', marker ='x')

plt.title ('Simulated Transactions Per Second ( TPS) Over 24 Hours ')
plt.xlabel ('Time ( Hours )')
plt.ylabel (' Transactions Per Second ( TPS )')
plt.legend ()
plt.grid ( True )
plt.xticks ( time_hours )
plt.ylim (0, max ( effective_tps_phronzero ) + 50000) ()
# \ end { verbatim *}
# \ subsection { Simulated Dynamic Gas Fee }
# \ begin { verbatim *}

def calculate_dynamic_gas_fee ( base_fee , tip , epsilon , p_target , p_current , delta_c ,
delta_n ):
    Calculate the dynamic gas fee for a transaction based on the provided parameters .

    : param base_fee : Base fee of the transaction
    : param tip : Optional tip to miners / validators
    : param epsilon : Sensitivity parameter for token price stabilization
    : param p_target : Target token price
    : param p_current : Current token price
    : param delta_c : Rate of change in transaction complexity
    : param delta_n : Rate of change in network congestion
    : return : Calculated dynamic gas fee
    price_adjustment = epsilon * ( p_target - p_current ) / p_current
    gas_fee = ( base_fee + tip + price_adjustment ) * ( delta_c + delta_n )
    return gas_fee

base_fee = 10
tip = 1
epsilon = 0.1
p_target = 1
p_current = 0.65
delta_c = 1
delta_n = 1

Gas Fees for Storage Biased L1 with Secondary dApp Support

# Simulate dynamic gas fees over time for a single dApp type

time = np. arange(0, 10, 0.1)
gas_fees = [calculate_dynamic_gas_fee ( base_fee , tip , epsilon , p_target , p_current + t, delta_c , delta_n ) for t in time]

plt.figure( figsize =(10 , 6))
plt.plot(time , gas_fees , label ='Dynamic Gas Fee Over Time')
plt.title('Simulated Dynamic Gas Fee')
plt.ylabel('Gas Fee')

Simulated Gas Fees

import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

# Setup
t = np. linspace (0, 2 * np.pi , 400)
BaseRate = 10
StorageRate = 0.05
N = 0.5 * np. sin (t) + 1.5 # Network congestion

# Parameters for complexity (C)
A, B, V, M, S = 1.5 , 1, 2, 1.5 , 0.8
omega , eta , kappa , alpha , R,T= 2, 0.05 , 1, 0.1 , 5, 50
i = np. arange (1, int (np. max (t) / T) + 1) * T

# Gaming dApp
C_gaming = A * np.sin( omega * t) + B
D_gaming = np. zeros_like (t)
G_gaming = BaseRate * (1 + C_gaming + N) + StorageRate * D_gaming

C_dex = V * np. log (1 + eta * t) + M * np. sin ( kappa * t)
D_dex = np. zeros_like (t)
G_dex = BaseRate * (1 + C_dex + N) + StorageRate * D_dex

# Storage dApp
C_storage = np. full_like (t, S)
D_storage = R * np.sum ([ np. exp(- alpha * (t - iT) **2) for iT in i], axis =0)
G_storage = BaseRate * (1 + C_storage + N) + StorageRate * D_storage

# Plotting
plt.figure( figsize =(12 , 8))
plt.plot(t, G_gaming , label ='Gaming dApp')
plt.plot(t, G_dex , label ='DEX')
plt.plot(t, G_storage , label ='Storage dApp', linestyle ='--')

plt.title('Simulated Gas Fees')
plt.xlabel('Time (in cycles )')
plt.ylabel('Gas Fee (in gui unit )')

Gas Fees for Storage Biased L1 with Secondary dApp Support

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Setup
t = np. linspace (0, 2 * np.pi , 400)
BaseRate = 10
N = 0.5 * np. sin (t) + 1.5 # Simulated network congestion

C_gaming_primary = 1.5 * np. sin (2 * np .pi * t / max(t))
C_dex_secondary = 0.3 * np. sin (4 * np .pi * t / max(t)) # Reduced influence
C_storage_secondary = 0.2 * np. sin (4 * np .pi * t / max (t)) # Reduced influence

G_gaming = BaseRate * (1 + C_gaming_primary + N)
G_dex = BaseRate * (1 + C_dex_secondary + N)
G_storage = BaseRate * (1 + C_storage_secondary + N)

plt.figure ( figsize =(12 , 8))
plt.plot (t, G_gaming , label ='Gaming dApp - Primary ', color ='blue')
plt.plot (t, G_dex , label ='DEX dApp - Secondary ', color ='orange', linestyle ='--')
plt.plot (t, G_storage , label ='Storage dApp - Secondary ', color ='green', linestyle =':')

plt.title ('Gas Fees for Gaming Biased L1 with Secondary dApp Support ')
plt.xlabel ('Time (in cycles )')
plt.ylabel ('Gas Fee (in gwei )')
plt.legend ()
plt.grid ( True ) ()

plt.figure ( figsize =(12 , 8))

G_dex_primary = BaseRate * (1 + 2.0 * (np. sin (4 * np .pi * t / max (t)) **2) + N)
G_gaming_supportive = BaseRate * (1 + 0.3 * np.sin (2 * np .pi * t / max (t)) + N) 
# Increased presence from Gaming
G_storage_supportive = BaseRate * (1 + 0.2 * np.sin (4 * np .pi * t / max (t)) + N)

plt.plot (t, G_dex_primary , label ='DEX dApp - Primary', color ='orange')
plt.plot (t, G_gaming_supportive , label ='Gaming dApp - Supportive', color ='blue',linestyle ='--')
plt.plot (t, G_storage_supportive , label ='Storage dApp - Supportive', color ='green',
linestyle =':')

plt.title ('Gas Fees for DEX Biased L1 with Secondary dApp Support')
plt.xlabel ('Time (in cycles )')
plt.ylabel ('Gas Fee (in gwei )')
plt.legend ()
plt.grid ( True ) ()

plt.figure ( figsize =(12 , 8))
G_storage_primary = BaseRate * (1 + 0.8 * np. sum ([ np.exp ( -0.1 * (t - iT) **2) for iT in np. arange (1, int (np. max (t) / 50) + 1) * 50] , axis =0) + N)
G_gaming_supportive = BaseRate * (1 + 0.3 * np.sin (2 * np .pi * t / max (t)) + N) 
# Slightly increased presence from Gaming
G_dex_supportive = BaseRate * (1 + 0.2 * np. sin (4 * np .pi * t / max (t)) + N)

plt.plot (t, G_storage_primary , label ='Storage dApp - Primary', color ='green')
plt.plot (t, G_gaming_supportive , label ='Gaming dApp - Supportive', color ='blue', linestyle ='--')
plt.plot (t, G_dex_supportive , label ='DEX dApp - Supportive', color ='orange', linestyle =':')

plt.title ('Gas Fees for Storage Biased L1 with Secondary dApp Support')
plt.xlabel ('Time (in cycles )')
plt.ylabel ('Gas Fee (in gwei )')
plt.legend ()
plt.grid ( True ) ()

Transaction Throughput for Layer 1 Projects and Total Usage on Layer 0 Network

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Simulation parameters
SIMULATION_DURATION = 100 # Total time for simulation in seconds
LAYER_0_TPS = 31000 # Layer 0's maximum tps
NUM_PROJECTS = 3 # Number of Layer 1 projects

# Assume an even distribution of Layer 0's TPS across Layer 1 projects
tps_distribution = LAYER_0_TPS / NUM_PROJECTS

# Simulating transaction throughput for each Layer 1 project over time
time_steps = np. linspace (0, SIMULATION_DURATION , SIMULATION_DURATION )
throughput_data = {}

# Total throughput at each time step
total_throughput = np. zeros ( SIMULATION_DURATION )

# Create throughput data for each project and calculate total throughput
for i in range ( NUM_PROJECTS ):
    # Randomly vary the tps for each project to simulate fluctuating network conditions
    tps_variation = np. random.normal (0, 1000 , SIMULATION_DURATION )
    throughput_data [f'Project {i +1}'] = tps_distribution + tps_variation
    total_throughput += throughput_data [f'Project {i +1}']

 # Plotting the multi - line chart for individual projects
plt.figure ( figsize =(14 , 7))
for project , tps in throughput_data.items ():
    plt.plot ( time_steps , tps , label = project )

# Adding the total usage curve
plt.plot ( time_steps , total_throughput , label ='Total Usage', color ='black', linewidth =2, linestyle ='--')

# Chart configurations
plt.title (' Transaction Throughput for Layer 1 Projects and Total Usage on Layer 0 Network')
plt.xlabel ('Time ( seconds )')
plt.ylabel (' Transactions per Second ( tps )')
plt.legend ()
plt.grid ( True ) ()

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

def apr_function (x):
    base = 15 * 10**15
    apr_decimal = -np. log10 (x / 2000 + 0.0001) / np. log10 ( base ) - 0.1
    return apr_decimal * 100

x_values = np. linspace (0, 20, 400) # Assuming the time range is 0 to 20 years for illustration
y_values = apr_function ( x_values )

# Plotting the function
plt.figure( figsize =(10 , 5))
plt.plot( x_values , y_values , label ='APR over time')
plt.title('APR as a function of Time ( Percentage )')
plt.xlabel('Time ( years )')
plt.ylabel('APR (%)')
plt.grid( True )